About us

Odyssey Ensemble is an orchestra dedicated to advocating for the dignity of vulnerable migrants in the UK through the power of music. We believe that every human being is endowed with inherent worth, regardless of their place of origin. In a country where refugee immigration is often a polarising subject, music has the ability to transcend boundaries, foster empathy, and connect people from diverse backgrounds. We harness this potential through an orchestra which shares the stories of real-life migrants through music, poetry, and other art forms.

We aim to perform in areas in the UK with high orchestral concert attendance rates, but where resistance to or concerns about refugee immigration may be prevalent. We also plan to perform for key stakeholders and policymakers who are able to make a tangible difference in the lives of refugees. The ensemble will consist of musicians from diverse backgrounds, including British nationals passionate about the cause, refugee musicians, those with refugee ancestry, and other immigrants.

Learn more about our Artistic Director and Board of Trustees here.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK

The need for an orchestra such as Odyssey is evident, given the polarising and divisive opinions on refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Polling carried out by Ipsos in July 2022 shows that 55% of the UK population have sympathy for asylum seekers attempting to cross the English channel while 39% do not. At the same time, 40% support the government’s controversial Rwanda policy while 33% oppose it. Attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers are complex and nuanced, with many people being supportive of refugees and asylum seekers in principle, but hesitant to accept them unless they meet certain criteria, such as having valuable skills or being able to assimilate into British culture. Furthermore, media coverage plays a significant role in shaping public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers and is often politically skewed.

In a climate such as this, it is vital that real-life stories of asylum seekers and other vulnerable immigrants are heard. These stories highlight the very human and personal nature of these issues. Asylum seekers make perilous journeys to flee persecution in their countries of origin and are traumatised by the time they reach British shores, often presenting with complex trauma-related mental health issues. They are often re-traumatised by the UK’s asylum system, facing lengthy delays, leading to protracted periods of uncertainty, anxiety, and poverty. Many are forced to live in overcrowded and unsuitable accommodation, with little access to basic amenities or support services. The threat of removal to countries such as Rwanda coupled with the added complexities of language barriers, cultural differences, and an incredibly complicated legal system make the UK’s asylum system even more hostile, with little regard for human dignity.

Using music to bridge the gap

Against this backdrop, the need for voices engaging with the public and policymakers, urging that human dignity is upheld at every stage of the asylum process, is more pertinent than ever.

Odyssey Ensemble aims to serve as such a voice, using music to bridge the gap between communities and foster empathy by bringing together musicians from different backgrounds, performing in diverse locations, collaborating with artists from other disciplines, and using music as a platform for dialogue.